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Selection subset: 598.
Ilość ankiet w tym zbiorze: 1.
Accepted and processed
#598 - Survey sent on 19.01.2011, 17:49:23
Exchange student
, studia licencjackie,
has studied at SGH for 3 semesters,
mieszkając w Warszawie.
O swojej rodzimej uczelni i kraju pochodzenia napisał:
I am a student of FIR ant 3 semester.
- Brakuje:
- free access to working WiFi net in every building
comfortable places to sit while waiting for lectures
- Należy:
- create a dormitory right there on the central campus
create a nice garden in the center of the campus with a stage for performances and summer lectures
build a swimming pool that is not a joke (I would have used it!)
building G needs a complete refit!
- Cenię:
- building C is quite nice and decent
cola machines in building C
- Przeszkadza:
- building W location is ingeniously stupid, I always had to run to get there on time
building S location is ingeniously stupid, I always had to run to get there on time
building G is in a very, very bad condition
equipment in lecture rooms was a bloody disaster (which equipment? what went wrong?) - - lecture rooms on secnd floor G buiding, its cold in winte, the floor is full of holes, the tables and chairs remember second world war.
- Uwagi: